Emotional Intelligence and individual performance at work

How Does Emotional Intelligence Affect Performance at Work?

Understanding your emotional intelligence can have significant benefits to your individual performance, especially at work. Read more about it here.

So, you’ve decided to begin your life-long quest of self-improvement. The gym membership has been obtained. A classic novel sits snugly in your work bag, and you’ve swapped out your old clothes for a new wardrobe. Fitness, knowledge, appearance…is there anything you’re missing? There is one integral facet of your life that you may be overlooking—emotional intelligence. With the inclusion of this quality into your daily grind, you will undoubtedly become a better-rounded individual.

But, what is emotional intelligence? Is it the skill of uncovering the deep, philosophical meanings behind romantic comedies? Or the ability to fight back tears while solving differential equations? Well, not quite. emotional intelligence pertains to the self-regulation of your emotions, while also being aware of the emotions of those around you. Motivation, empathy, and social skills are also part of the EI equation. The culmination of these qualities is a key component to success, especially in regards to your career.

Have you ever been a part of a flustered, disorganized workplace? Suzie the receptionist didn’t know how to speak properly to customers. Mark in sales didn’t get along with his coworkers. Maybe you had problems being motivated and efficient in this environment. These are all signs of a lack of emotional intelligence. Through the attributes of EI, it is possible to mitigate, or even mend issues like these altogether.

Learning how to identify and manage your emotions translates to better workplace relationships on an instantaneous basis. For example, if you are frustrated, that frustration can easily be misinterpreted if you aren’t careful with your words and actions. If you scowl at Suzie when she brings you a paper to sign, you’ve just started a chain reaction. She may take it personally. She might scowl back, causing you even more frustration than before.

Now, inject a little emotional intelligence into this situation. If you were more self-aware of your frustration, you could have subdued it for a few seconds when Suzie approached you. On the converse, if she chose to understand your emotions while simultaneously controlling hers, the damage could have been reversed. When considering the number of interactions that occur on a daily basis, it is easy to see how beneficial emotional control and empathy is to a working environment. It can lead to efficiency, strong morale, and mutual understanding.

On a more personal level, emotional intelligence is an advantageous tool for building leadership skills, likeability, and general happiness. When you are mindful of your own emotions, you can better gauge how to change your attitude. This includes self-motivation, minimizing negativity, and bolstering a positive outlook. People are attracted to these qualities. This is what bosses want to see in their workers; they are the characteristics that produce healthy professional relationships. Most importantly, it makes you a better person from the inside out. Confident, inspiring, and radiant.

If emotional intelligence is something that you have been neglecting, start focusing on it today. Meditate on your thoughts. Dive deep into your emotions, and learn how they affect you. Be self-aware and empathetic of others feelings. Developing your emotional intelligence may be the next step to fully realising your potential, and finding hidden success in your career.